End Ageism | End Abuse
On World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), we invite you to join NCALL in amplifying the message End Ageism | End Abuse. Ageism—the prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age—creates a culture that devalues, dismisses, and ignores older adults making them more susceptible to mistreatment and abuse. Until we collectively confront the ageism in our systems, in our communities, and in ourselves, elder abuse will continue—underdiagnosed, underreported, and overlooked.
Help us spread the word through awareness, support, and advocacy activities. Together we can expose ageism, challenge ageist beliefs, and actively work to create a more just society that embraces aging and values the entire life experience. Please feel free to share and adapt these sample posts and graphics.
Learn More provides a short overview of the issue of elder abuse, history of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, and message behind the campaign: End Ageism | End Abuse.
Join the Movement contains tools for addressing ageism and educational resources for professionals who work with older adults to create or expand their services and supports for older survivors of abuse.
Spread the Word features blogs written by NCALL staff, graphics you can use in your own promotional efforts, sample social media posts, and some ideas to stay engaged throughout the year.