Rural Webinar: Strategies for Identifying, Reaching, and Effectively Serving Older Survivors in Rural Communities

Strategies for Identifying, Reaching and Effectively Serving
Older Survivors in Rural Communities
October 10, 2023
11am PT | 12pm MT | 1pm CT | 2pm ET – (60 minutes)

Presented by: Martie Washington, Abuse in Later Life Program Coordinator at the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL), Margaret Carson, Muckleshoot Adult Protective Services from Auburn, Washington, Dr. Patricia Davenport, Our House, Inc. from Greenville, Mississippi and Sue Frawley, Center for Elder Law and Justice from Lockport, New York.

20 million Americans ages 50 and older live in rural areas, and rural areas are experiencing faster growth of their older adult population than urban areas (AARP).  For adults in rural communities impacted by abuse in later life, domestic and sexual abuse service programs can play a crucial role in providing them the advocacy and services they need to be safe and to heal from the trauma of abuse. To support advocates working with rural survivors, NCALL updated its toolkit: ‘Rural Domestic and Sexual Violence Program Advocates: Making a Difference in the Lives of Older Survivors of Abuse’ (hereafter ‘The Rural Toolkit’). The Rural Toolkit provides domestic and sexual abuse service providers with resources and tools to effectively respond to the unique opportunities and challenges of providing services in rural communities.

This webinar is intended for domestic and sexual violence advocates, faith leaders, housing specialists, legal representatives, aging networks, social services professionals and anyone who encounters older adults during the course of their work in rural communities.  Attendees of this webinar will be able to define abuse in later life, explore the information and resources included in NCALL’s updated Rural Toolkit, identify strategies for outreach, service provision and collaboration in a rural setting and learn about OVW’s Abuse in Later Life Grant Program. In addition to NCALL, attendees will hear from service providers working in rural communities who will share how they support older survivors of abuse and collaborate with rural community partners.

Missed the webinar? Stream it here.

Please contact Martie Washington at with any questions.

This project was supported by Grant 15JOVW-21-GK-02196-MUMU awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this webinar are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.

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